Damien in front of team

Our range of services for landlords

As a landlord, it is your responsibility to put measures in place that protect your tenants from danger and ensure that the property is safe to live in. One key aspect of this is m...

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Designing Solar Panels

How are solar panels installed?

Fun fact: did you know that the amount of sunlight that hits the earth in just an hour and a half is enough to power the world’s energy consumption for an entire year? This stati...

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Carrying Our EICR

What is an EICR?

Whether you are a business owner or landlord, investing in a property also means taking on the responsibility of keeping it safe. One crucial aspect of this is your electrical comp...

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Heath Electrical Van At Premises

A look into our commercial services

At Heath Electrical Services, we offer a wide variety of both preventative and remedial commercial services that aim to keep business costs and downtime low; these services range f...

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Holding A Solar Panel

We now offer solar panel installations!

We have some electrifying news to share with you – drumroll, please… Heath Electrical Services now offers top-of-the-range solar panel installations! We’re incredibly excited...

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